
The lists are endless …

Women place so many expectations on themselves and absorb much of society’s overt and subtle codes of conduct. Thinking they are either “never doing enough” or are “too much”, women often feel emotionally and physically exhausted all the time.

Women unknowingly living from their wounded spaces, become overly porous and receptive. Trying to fix and nurture from their ideas of “feminine love” – women often react from deep pain, even pain carried down previous generations. Often unaware how much they are causing hurt to others – including to the beautiful men surrounding them, women project blame for their unhappiness (believing there are “no beautiful men” around them is also a symptom).

At a point in life, women realise they are also a part of the problem and are contributing to their own suffering.

Whether it’s past trauma – or feeling all the problems of humanity and what we are doing collectively to the earth – women have taken on the suffering of themselves and others in their nervous system. This impacts our body’s health: our vaginas, our mental state, our hormones, our fertility, our moods.

Women are expansive, fertile, creative and alive! We are luscious human beings who suffer deeply when all parts of us are not fully expressed.

Divining Women is an offering to you. Own your longing and your desires. Learn how to get off on ALL your emotional expressions.

Feel the pleasure of being in your body, reveling in your fullness. Experience your juiciness rejuvenating yourself, your work, your relationships, your mothering and the earth.

Become deeply embodied. Live fully in your heart and body – finding safety deep within.

Learn how to live from your own wisdom.  Trust your feminine creativity. Experience the sensuality of your feminine expression as it pours into your life.

Have deeper intimacy and pleasure in sex and relationships. Learn how to appreciate, trust and adore the masculine at a level you never even imagined.